Funds and Resources
ADB offers loans, grants, and technical assistance from Special Funds, Trust Funds, and other sources to help reduce poverty in Asia’s poorest countries.
The Technical Assistance Special Fund provides technical assistance grants to borrowing members to help prepare projects and undertake technical or policy studies. The fund's resources consist of regularized replenishments and direct voluntary contributions by members, allocations from the net income of OCR, and revenue from investments and other sources.
Technical assistance operations aim to improve the capabilities of ADB’s developing member countries to formulate, design, implement, and operate development projects and sector lending. Sectoral studies, surveys, workshops, seminars, and training on a regional and subregional basis are also conducted through technical assistance.
The fund was established to provide technical assistance on a grant basis to developing member countries of ADB and for regional technical assistance.
All ADB developing member countries are eligible to receive support from the fund.
ADB Member Countries support the fund, with support from ADB’s own resources.