India and ADB

ADB supports India’s priorities for robust, climate resilient, and inclusive growth, aligned with ADB’s Strategy 2030 and the forthcoming country partnership strategy, 2023–2027.

Capacity Development Resource Center (CDRC) of India Resident Mission (INRM)

CDRC of INRM conducts capacity development programs on ADB Procedures, Project Implementation and Thematic Topics to support project design, implementation and evaluation. The training programs are based on a training needs assessment survey with project officers and executing agencies (EA) so that the programs are demand driven. Resource persons for ADB programs are drawn from ADB. National and international institutions and experts are also invited as Resource Persons for these programs to draw from best practices and knowledge from national and international institutions and practitioners. Training programs are organized/conducted in collaboration with national institutions like Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR), Consulting Engineers Association of India,etc. since such an arrangement is economical in cost and local resources are utilized for long term sustainability. The capacity development calendar is finalized in consultation with Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance. By attending these courses, EA staff will continuously strengthen their knowledge, skills and behavior to achieve effective performance.

For further information please contact:

India Resident Mission (INRM)
Vikram Harsha Annamraju (Mr)
Senior Project Officer (Social Sector) 
  Tel +91 11 3090 0688/3090 0600

India Resident Mission (INRM)
Shweta Sharma (Ms)
Associate Project Analyst
  Tel +91 11 30900698 / 66135698