Cambodia and ADB

ADB helps Cambodia address challenges for post-COVID-19 pandemic recovery with a focus on economic diversification, skill development, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

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Latest on Cambodia

New Landfill and Wastewater Treatment Plant to Promote a Clean and Climate-Resilient Urban Environment in Cambodia’s Pursat Province

| Project Result / Case Study

New Landfill and Wastewater Treatment Plant to Promote a Clean and Climate-Resilient Urban Environment in Cambodia’s Pursat Province

A new landfill and wastewater treatment plant in Cambodia’s Pursat province offers climate-resilient solid waste and wastewater management to reduce contamination of the Tonle Sap, the country’s largest lake.

Harmonizing Marine Plastic Pollution Data in East Asia

| Blog Entry

Harmonizing Marine Plastic Pollution Data in East Asia

Navigating the intricacies of plastic pollution in the East Asian Seas region demands a harmonized approach to data collection and management.

The Road to Climate Resilience in Cambodia

| Video

The Road to Climate Resilience in Cambodia

By improving rural infrastructure and supporting farmers, the TSSD-AF is reducing rural poverty and increasing agricultural productivity while helping Cambodia adapt to climate change impacts.

Asian Development Bank and Cambodia: Fact Sheet

| Publication

Asian Development Bank and Cambodia: Fact Sheet

ADB is one of Cambodia’s largest sources of official development assistance, with average annual lending of $368.3 million in 2018–2022.