Papua New Guinea and ADB

ADB seeks to improve infrastructure and the private sector environment; strengthen governance, financial management, and service delivery; and address inclusivity and build resilience in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea: Translations in Tok Pisin

  • Esia Divelopmen Benk na Papua Niugini: Fact Sheet | Publication

    Esia Divelopmen Benk na Papua Niugini: Fact Sheet

    Taim bilong ADB long ol program bilong Papua Niugini em bilong wokim ol infrastraksa projek we bai helpim ol lain i stap rabis na ol lain i stap long ol ples i stap longwe long kisim ol sevis insait long kantri.

  • | Project Document

    Helt Sevis sekta Divelopmen Program, Sab program 1 : Projek Rekot Pepa

    Dispela Helt Sevis Sekta Divelopmen (HSSDP) bai helpim Papua Niugini (PNG) long strongim helt sevis bilong en anint long ol senis i kamap long polisi na invesmen insait long helt sistem. Wanpela lukbek bilong skelim wanem ol ples sevis i go, hamas sekta i yusim na This translated PDS is based on its English version on as of 14 June 2018 kwaliti bilong ol helt sevis ol pipel i kisim mas kamap long luksave olsem wanem kain sevis i go long ol pipel i gutpela. This document dated June 2018 is provided for the ADB project 51035-001 in Papua New Guinea.
  • | Project Document

    Redim ol Helt Sevis Sekta Divelopmen Program : Projek Rekot Pepa

    Helt Sekta Divelopmen Program (HSSDP) bai helpim Papua Niugini (PNG) long strongim helt sevis wantaim ol senis long polisi na dairek invesmen long ol helt sistem. I mas gat wanpela daiognostik asesmen o wok bilong glasim gut olgeta hap wok i kamap wantaim ol mani na kwaliti bilong ol helt sevis long yumi ken save tru olsem ol wok em i gat disain bilong mekim bikpela senis. This document dated June 2017 is provided for the ADB project 51035-002 in Papua New Guinea.
  • | Project Document

    Taun Ilektrifikesen Invesmen Program – Trens 2: Projek Rekot Pepa

    Ol hap o komponen bilong PFR bilong kisim fanding aninit long dispela askim em: Komposen 1: Stretim gen tupela hairdo pawa plent: (i) Yonki Toe of Dam (YTOD) haidropawa plent, na (ii) Warangoi haidropawa plent, nau ol i no wok long mak bilong strong bilong ol. Bihain long ol i stretim ol dispela plent masin bai inap long wok long reit kepesiti bilong 28.0 MW-18 MW YTOD, na 10 MW Warangoi plent. Antap moa long dispela, dispela wok bilong stretim ol dipsela masin bai mekim ikonomik laip bilong ol i go moa long 20 o 25 yia na ol bai wok gut long standet bilong nau. Komponen 2: Konstraksen bilong Ramazon run-of-river liklik haidropawa plent wantaim strong bilong 3 MW. Projek bai wokim wanpela (i) concrete weir, (ii) 5 km paiplain, (iii) penstock, (iv) pawahaus, na (v) nupela rot bilong go insait long bung wantaim rot nau i go long pawahaus na ol rot insait long projek eria. This document dated March 2017 is provided for the ADB project 41504-025 in Papua New Guinea.
  • | Project Document

    Maltipatna Fainens Fasiliti bilong Hailans Haiwe: Projek Rekot Pepa

    ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated September 2016 is provided for the ADB project 48444-001 in Papua New Guinea.
  • | Project Document

    Sivel Eviesen Divelopmen Invesmen Program, Trens 3: Projek Rekot Pepa

    ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated September 2016 is provided for the ADB project 43141-044 in Papua New Guinea.
  • | Project Document

    Maltipatna Fainans Fasiliti bilong Hailans Haiwe: Projek Rekot Pepa

    ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated June 2016 is provided for the ADB project 48444-002 in Papua New Guinea.
  • Bringim benk long ol pipel long Papua Niugini husat i no save putim mani long benk. | Project Result / Case Study

    Bringim benk long ol pipel long Papua Niugini husat i no save putim mani long benk.

    Wanpela nupela lain i kamap insait long Papua Niugini nau i wok long kisim gutpela samting long taim ol i kisim moa save long fainensol literesi na wok bilong ol maikrobenk.

  • | Institutional Document

    Papua Niugini: Kantri Patnasip Strateji (2016-2020)

    Kantri patnasip strateji (CPS) i tok klia long ol bikpela plen bilong ADB long wok insait long Papua Niugini (PNG) bilong 2016-2020, bihainim Strateji bilong ADB long 2020 midtem reviu praioriti na divelopmen strateji bilong kantri yet.

  • | Project Document

    Lae Pot Developmen Projek – Moa Mani: Projek Rekot Pepa

    ADB's Public Communications Policy 2011 requires the translation of the project data sheet (PDS) for all loan, grant, and project preparatory technical assistance projects with concept papers approved after 2 April 2012. PDSs are translated into relevant national language(s) at key project milestones to ensure that relevant project information is provided to affected people and other interested stakeholders. This document dated February 2015 is provided for the ADB project 40037-043 in Papua New Guinea.

Spotlight on Papua New Guinea

Tourism-Driven Economies in the Pacific to Feel Brunt of COVID-19 Pandemic — ADB

News Release

Tourism-Driven Economies in the Pacific to Feel Brunt of COVID-19 Pandemic — ADB

The economies of the Cook Islands, Fiji, Palau, Samoa, and Vanuatu are the Pacific countries likely to feel the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report by ADB released today.

Pacific Energy Update 2019

Institutional Document

Pacific Energy Update 2019

ADB will invest over $1 billion worth of energy projects in the Pacific from 2019 to 2021 to increase renewable energy generation and improve access to affordable and sustainable electricity in the subregion. Read more

Pacific Economic Monitor – December 2019


Pacific Economic Monitor – December 2019

The 2019 growth forecast for the Pacific subregion has been raised from 3.5% to 4.2%, driven mainly by higher liquefied natural gas production in Papua New Guinea and increased construction expenditure in Samoa and Solomon Islands, as well as lower-than-projected economic decline in Nauru. Read more

3,200 People Graduate from Financial Literacy Course Supported by ADB, Australia, and PNG

News Release

3,200 People Graduate from Financial Literacy Course Supported by ADB, Australia, and PNG

The project has substantially delivered basic financial knowledge to huge numbers of rural people in Papua New Guinea. It has allowed people, particularly women, the opportunity to open bank accounts, do mobile banking from market gardens, and, overall, get better access to financial services.