Bhutan and ADB

ADB’s country partnership strategy for Bhutan, 2019–2023 supports efforts to diversify the economy, catalyze private sector growth, improve connectivity, build climate-resilient infrastructure, and strengthen human capital.

Translations in Dzongkha

Latest on Bhutan

Asian Development Bank and Bhutan: Fact Sheet

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Asian Development Bank and Bhutan: Fact Sheet

Bhutan became a member of ADB in 1982. To date, ADB has committed 205 public sector loans, grants, and technical assistance totaling $1.2 billion to Bhutan.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in South Asia: An Assessment for Action

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Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in South Asia: An Assessment for Action

ADB's South Asia Department (SARD) conducted a study to assess the status and responses to the needs of disadvantaged groups in its member countries and identify entry points for greater gender equality and social inclusion impacts in its operations.

Financing Transport Connectivity in the BIMSTEC Region

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Financing Transport Connectivity in the BIMSTEC Region

This report assesses how to finance an extensive overhaul of transport infrastructure in the BIMSTEC subregion, considers the challenges of public and private financing, and outlines how to create an overarching financial framework.

Pathways for Emerging Skills and Jobs Project in Bhutan

| Video

Pathways for Emerging Skills and Jobs Project in Bhutan

This video summarizes the background, objective, and key project scopes (including JFPR grant and three ADB value additions) of the Pathways for Emerging Skills and Jobs Project in Bhutan.