Validation of Fiji Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2019–2023
ONGOING EVALUATION. The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will conduct a validation of the assessments and findings of ADB’s Country Partnership Strategy for Fiji, 2019–2023, Final Review (CPSFR–Fiji).
The validation will assess ADB’s strategy and program for Fiji from 2019 to 2023 and will pay attention to the program as it evolved in 2020 with respect to ADB’s support for the coronavirus disease pandemic. The validation will gather evidence from a review of the CPSFR–Fiji, the country portfolio performance reviews and other relevant documents, and consultations with ADB staff at headquarters and Pacific Subregional Office, government officials, representatives of development partners and other stakeholders.
The validation will be prepared in accordance with IED’s 2015 Guidelines for the Preparation of Country Assistance Program Evaluation and Country Partnership Strategy Final Review Validations. Drawing on the assessment and the findings, the validation aims to inform ADB's future strategy and operations for Fiji.