Validation Plan for the Bhutan Country Partnership Strategy Final Review, 2019–2023
ONGOING EVALUATION. The Independent Evaluation Department (IED) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will conduct a validation of the assessments and findings of the final review of Bhutan Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), 2019–2023. The objective of the validation is to inform ADB’s future operations and its forthcoming CPS, 2024–2028 for Bhutan. The Country Partnership Strategy Final Review (CPSFR) assessed the CPS, 2019–2023, overall successful. It assessed ADB operations in Bhutan relevant, effective, efficient, likely sustainable, and satisfactory in its development impact. The validation will be prepared in accordance with IED’s 2015 Guidelines for the Preparation of Country Assistance Program Evaluation and Country Partnership Strategy Final Review Validations.2 The validation will assess operations approved during 2019–2023, as well as operations approved prior to this period but implemented during the same period. Attention will also be given to the portfolio as it evolved in 2020 onwards with respect to ADB’s support for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.