Validations of Project Completion and Technical Assistance Completion Reports
Validations of project completion reports to improve accountability for achieving results, quality of completion reports, and independence of project ratings.
Reviews the self-assessment of technical assistance completion reports.
Cambodia: Strengthening Public Financial Management Program (Subprogram 1)
The program's envisaged outcome was enhanced efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of public expenditure and revenue management. It was intended to address three continuing weaknesses in the public financial management (PFM) system: (i) incomplete national PFM policies, regulatory frameworks, and systems; (ii) limited capacity of line ministries; and (iii) limited external audit functions.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Successful.
Fiji: Sustained Private Sector-Led Growth Reform Program (Subprograms 1, 2, and 3)
The program was to support the implementation of Fiji's National Development Plan in these three policy areas: (i) fiscal management, particularly public financial management (PFM); (ii) the business and investment climate; and (iii) policy, legal, and institutional framework for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and public–private partnerships (PPPs).
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Successful.
Palau: Disaster Resilience Program
The policy-based loan (PBL) was financed from ADB’s ordinary capital resources and provided contingent financing for immediate disaster response and early recovery. The expected outcome was strengthened disaster and climate risk management (DCRM). There were three reform areas: (i) policies and institutions for disaster and climate resilience; (ii) capacity and planning for DCRM; and (iii) financing for DCRM.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Successful.
Mongolia: Higher Education Reform Project
The project was to increase the number of Mongolia’s globally competitive higher education graduates. It aimed to improve the quality and relevance of higher education programs; to improve the governance, management, and financing of higher education institutions (HEIs) and the entire subsector; and promote equitable access to higher education.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the project. IED overall assessment: Less than successful.
Mongolia: Food and Nutrition Social Welfare Program and Project
The program was to design and implement an innovative targeted Food Stamp Program (FSP) to rapidly mitigate the impact of rising food costs on the poor. Project funds was used for capacity development activities at national and local levels to implement a communication strategy explaining the FSP and recruit technical experts who would review the FSP and the social welfare programs, prepare a set of proposals, and help develop an early warning and response system to social shocks.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program and project. IED overall assessment: Successful.
Palau: Health Expenditure and Livelihoods Support Program
The program was designed to provide general budgetary support to help finance the government’s countercyclical development spending under its pandemic response plan. It was to help maintain government health and social services and both public and private sector employment. The program outcome was reduced adverse impacts of COVID-19 restrictions on Palau’s population and businesses.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Successful.
People’s Republic of China: Guizhou Vocational Education Development Program
The program adopted a results-based approach to strengthen the province-wide TVET reforms, help keep the medium-term TVET reform plan on track and facilitate policy dialogue on future TVET reforms. The program also supported central and provincial governments to draw lessons from ADB’s results-based program on education sector development and skills sector enhancement program.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Successful.
Mongolia: Strengthening Institutional Framework and Management Capacity Project
The project was to strengthen capacity within Erdenes Mongol to generate sufficient revenues or leverage funds to diversify its investments.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the project. IED overall assessment: Less than successful.
Bangladesh: Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Development Program
The program aimed to facilitate policy reforms in Bangladesh to help strengthen institutional arrangements and governance and improve sustainability of investments for the delivery of essential urban services in the city corporations and the municipalities. The outcome was the establishment of sustainable public and environmental health services in seven city corporations.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Less than successful.
Uzbekistan: Second Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Corridor 2 Road Investment Program (Tranche 3 and Multitranche Financing Facility)
The program (tranche 3 of the MFF) was to reconstruct an 87-kilometer section of the A380 highway to improve the road connectivity between the two major urban economic centers of Urgench and Bukhara. The envisaged outcome was improved road connectivity, safe and effective Republican Road Fund (RRF) management of the Uzbekistan sections of CAREC Corridor 2.
This report validates the completion report's assessment of the program. IED overall assessment: Less than successful.