Results 1 to 20 of 625
- This training program for selected government officials from Asia and the Pacific will learn about prevalent frontiers in High-Speed Rail development. It also highlights the case studies from global cases and past experiences, beginning with five-week self-paced mandatory sessions in which participants will be expected to complete five modules and multiple-choice questions at the end of each module.
- By improving rural infrastructure and supporting farmers, the TSSD-AF is reducing rural poverty and increasing agricultural productivity while helping Cambodia adapt to climate change impacts.
- The event shows that Middle Corridor provides an opportunity for optimizing transport routes enhance sustainability with the rising geo-political risks. This event aims to analyze opportunities, financing measures and infrastructural challenges of the Middle Corridor.
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- The TSSD-AF project addresses issues of low productivity, the pervasive use of low-quality rice seed, weak value chains, and the rice sector’s vulnerability to climate change in 270 communes in the Tonle Sap basin of Cambodia.
- A recently launched ADB manual discusses how governments in the region can strengthen existing infrastructure and ensure a safe, climate-resilient road network.
- В недавнем отчете АБР обсуждается, как правительства стран региона могут укрепить существующую инфраструктуру и обеспечить безопасную, устойчивую к изменению климата дорожную сеть.
- The TSSD-AF project fosters community-driven development and enables farming families in the Tonle Sap Basin to generate higher incomes, helping to lift future generations out of poverty.
- Almaty and Bishkek are among the most air-polluted cities during the winter. The Asian Development Bank is funding real-time air quality sensors in both cities under the Almaty-Bishkek Economic Corridor to help improve the air quality.
- ADB has approved financing of up to $2.1 billion for the construction of a 32.15 kilometer climate-resilient bridge connecting Bataan and Cavite provinces across Manila Bay to decongest Metro Manila, enable greater mobility of labor and goods, and enhance economic productivity in the country’s largest region of Luzon.
- CADIP, cofinanced by ADB and PNG, has improved 22 national airports in PNG and is also strengthening the safety and security of air services in the country. The video focuses on the project’s gender and climate change aspects.
- ADB has approved a $240 million loan to improve 700 kilometers of rural roads in Uzbekistan, making them safer and more climate-resilient to enhance connectivity and promote rural development.
- Азиатский банк развития (АБР) одобрил заем в размере 240 миллионов долларов США для улучшения 700 километров сельских дорог в Узбекистане, чтобы сделать их более безопасными и более устойчивыми к изменению климата для улучшения транспортного сообщения и способствования развитию сельских районов.
- Осиё тараққиёт банки (ОТБ) Ўзбекистондаги 700 километрлик қишлоқ йўлларини транспорт алоқасини яхшилаш ва қишлоқ тараққиётига кўмаклашиш мақсадида хавфсизроқ ва иқлим ўзгаришига чидамлироқ қилиш учун 240 миллион АҚШ доллари миқдорида қарз ажратишни маъқуллади.
- ADB has approved two projects totaling $157.1 million to spur agriculture competitiveness and enhance trade and logistics in Mongolia.
- Азийн Хөгжлийн Банк (АХБ) Монгол Улсын хөдөө аж ахуйн өрсөлдөх чадварыг нэмэгдүүлэх, худалдаа, логистикийг сайжруулах зорилгоор нийт 157.1 сая ам.долларын хоёр төслийг баталлаа.
- ADB has approved a $200 million loan to further support the Philippines in delivering high quality, inclusive, climate-resilient, and low-carbon public infrastructure to boost economic growth and improve Filipinos’ access to jobs, markets, and public services such as education and health care.
- ADB and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) have signed an agreement to establish the Leading Asia's Private Infrastructure Fund 2 (LEAP 2) with capital of up to $1.5 billion provided by JICA. The fund aims to cofinance high-quality, resilient, and sustainable infrastructure projects in Asia and the Pacific.
- アジア開発銀行(ADB)と国際協力機構(JICA)は、JICAが最大15億ドルを出資する、アジアインフラパートナーシップ信託基金2(Leading Asia's Private Infrastructure Fund 2: LEAP 2)を設立する合意書に署名した。この基金は、アジア・太平洋地域における質の高い、強靭で持続可能なインフラプロジェクトに協調融資することを目的としている。
- ADB and Energy Absolute signed a 3.9 billion Thai baht (about $110 million equivalent) loan to Energy Absolute Public Company Limited for the purchase of up to 1,200 electric buses (e-buses). These e-buses will displace internal combustion engine buses in Bangkok, supporting the use of clean public transport in Thailand.