Results 1 to 20 of 89
- The video promotes the publication A Road Map for Scaling Up Private Sector Financing for the Blue Economy in Thailand: Investment Report which provides ways to mobilize private sector investment in a sustainable Thai blue economy.
- Отыз жыл бойы АДБ мен Қазақстан бірлесіп, елдің экономикалық дамуы және адамдардың тұрмысын жақсарту бойынша жұмыс атқарып келеді.
- For three decades, ADB and Kazakhstan have worked together to promote the country’s economic development and improve people’s quality of life.
- На протяжении трех десятилетий АБР и Казахстан работают вместе над экономическим развитием страны и улучшением жизни людей.
- ADB has approved capital management reforms that unlock $100 billion in new funding capacity over the next decade to address the region’s overlapping, simultaneous crises.
- The Asian Development Fund (ADF) is proud to be Asia and the Pacific's steadfast partner in 50 years of rapid growth and development. In the face of deepening challenges, the ADF remains committed to building resilience in ADB’s poorest and most vulnerable developing member countries.
- ADB’s roadmap to raise lending capacity through balance sheet optimization, innovative financing, and collaboration.
- ADB's $50.65 million project will help the Kyrgyz Republic procure 120 modern, battery-electric buses that will enhance Bishkek’s transport infrastructure, improve the air quality, cut carbon emissions, and reduce traffic congestion.
- ADB supports building 3 outer island harbors (Nukulaelae, Niutao, Nui), replacing a ship, and training for better asset upkeep by communities and the Government.
- ADB, through the support of Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the People’s Republic of China, tapped civil society organizations in seven countries across Asia and the Pacific to help in the fight against COVID-19 and poverty.
- The Partnership Report 2022: Driving Growth, Boosting Resilience features the joint work of ADB and its partners to strengthen resilience and enhance inclusive, sustainable development in the region. The report shares data, insights, and stories on projects, financing partners, and trust funds.
- ADB-NDF Project Readiness Improvement Trust Fund helps prepare climate resilient infrastructure projects in Southeast Asia to be shovel ready, innovative, and catalytic. Watch the PRI Fund video showing such support in Cambodia, featuring the Second Greater Mekong Subregion Tourism Infrastructure for Inclusive Growth Project (TIIGP2).
- ADB’s $30 million grant is helping provide an inclusive, market-responsive technical and vocational education and training (TVET) system in the Kyrgyz Republic. More than 4,000 students are now learning vital skills at upgraded TVET colleges.
- ADB’s Subregional Transport Enhancement Project in Nepal has expanded road capacity of major trade routes and connected rural communities in the northeast to major highways in the country.
- The EAKPF supports ADB developing member countries improve vaccine development capabilities through capacity building programs at Yonsei University’s Korea National Institute for Bio-Processing Research and Training (K-NIBRT) facility.
- Since 2007, ADB and Georgia have worked together to help the country’s economy grow and improve people’s lives. ADB has delivered over $4 billion in assistance to the government and private sector, with visible results.
- 2007 წლიდან დღემდე აზიის განვითარების ბანკი (ADB) და საქართველო თანამშრომლობენ ქვეყნის ეკონომიკის ზრდისა და მოსახლეობის ცხოვრების გაუმჯობესებისთვის. მთავრობისა და კერძო სექტორისთვის გაცემული ADB-ის ფინანსური დახმარება $4 მილიარდს შეადგენს და შედეგები თვალსაჩინოა.
- Spanning borders that stretch across a third of the earth, people from Asia and the Pacific are culturally diverse but remain closely connected, bonded by their belief that family and generations hold the key to their future.
- The PRC Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund was established to support poverty reduction, regional cooperation, and knowledge sharing among ADB developing members in Asia and the Pacific.
- ADB's partnership with ASA Philippines—a microfinance institution— facilitates the recovery of communities from conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic. It also helps break gender barriers by empowering Filipino women to engage in income-generating activities.