When and how are bidders informed about the awarding of the contract?
- Bidders will be notified of the bid evaluation results after the bid evaluation process has been completed and all approvals have been obtained.
- Within two weeks of receiving ADB’s “no objection” to the recommendation of contract award, the borrower shall publish in an English language newspaper or well-known and freely accessible website the results identifying the bid and lot numbers, and the following information:
- Name of each bidder who submitted a bid
- Bid prices as read out at bid opening
- Name and evaluated prices of each bid that was evaluated
- Name of bidders whose bids were rejected and the reasons for their rejection
- Name of the winning bidder, and the price it offered, as well as the duration and summary scope of the contract awarded.
- Awarded contracts are also published in the Projects & Tenders section of ADB.org. See Contracts Awarded
- In addition to that, the winning bidder will be issued a Notification of Award in the form provided in the bidding documents.
How soon after bidding are contracts awarded?
- Normally, the contract is expected to be awarded within the bid/proposal validity period. Use the information in the relevant bidding document as an indication of the timeline within which the contract is expected to be awarded.
- The time period from the issuance of the invitation for bid till publication of contract award depends on several factors, such as:
- the procurement method
- the bidding procedure
- the review method (prior-review or post-review) used
- complexity of the procurement
- whether a manual or an electronic process is followed