Work Program and Budget Framework, 2024-2026
The Work Program and Budget Framework (WPBF), 2024-2026 defines the parameters and main thrusts of the operations of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and provides the framework for preparation of the budget for the upcoming year.
For 2024–2026, ADB’s work program totals $77.6 billion: $61.7 billion in sovereign operations and $15.8 billion in nonsovereign operations. This program is about 12% larger than the Work Program and Budget Framework, 2023–2025. The larger program reflects a higher level of ambition compared to last year, taking into consideration the substantial increase in ADB’s available lending headroom following approval of ADB’s new capital adequacy framework in September 2023.
Based on the work program, ADB is mostly on track to meet its Strategy 2030 goals under the corporate results framework, 2019–2024. These include ADB-wide targets related to climate finance, gender, health, and education, as well as nonsovereign targets related to frontier economies and long-term cofinancing. ADB will fall short on the target for nonsovereign operations as a share of total ADB operations.
- Abbreviations
- Key Messages
- Highlights of the Work Program and Budget Framework, 2024-2026
- Economic Context
- Strategic Framework
- Operational Highlights, 2024-2026
- Progressing Toward Strategy 2030
- Focused Action for the Work Program And Budget Framework, 2024-2026
- Strengthening the Organization
- Workforce Analysis
- Budget Framework
- Appendixes
Additional Details
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