Digital Technology

Digital technology has boosted growth, expanded opportunities, and improved service delivery in much of the world. ADB's initiatives are empowering the poor to use digital technology to help lift themselves out of poverty.

  • Proportion of the population covered by a 3G mobile network, 2019

    ADB financing has included support for telecommunications networks, data centers, cloud services, devices and applications, and adequate power supply.

  • Digital economy size
    (% of GDP)

    Advances in digital technology have enhanced the productive capacities of economies, helping to improve economic efficiency and growth.

  • Proportion of population in Asia and the Pacific using mobile internet, 2020

    Digital technology has boosted growth, expanded opportunities, and improved government services across Asia and the Pacific.


ADB recognises that for digital technology to have sustainable development impact in the region, more investment is needed in policy, infrastructure, capacity, and skills. ADB financing has included support for:

  • Digital infrastructure, such as telecommunications networks, data centers, cloud services, devices and applications, and adequate power supply.
  • Digital technology industries, through an improved business environment, support to research and development, or enhanced competitiveness.
  • Digital technology start-ups, through ecosystem development and impact investment.
  • Digital services in areas such as education, finance, governance, and health.
  • Digital technology policy and strategy.
  • Data analytics and insights, such as leveraging public earth observation data from satellites for disaster risk reduction or intelligent agriculture.
  • Digital technology capacity development and upskilling.


Our Impact

Development progress in Asia and the Pacific.


Proportion of adults in developing Asia with a bank account or using mobile money


Proportion of population in developing Asia covered by a mobile network and/or ICT


Proportion of population in developing Asia with access to electricity

Your Questions Answered

  • What are the three most important ways that digital technology is contributing to economic growth in South Asia?

    Digital technology creates new job opportunities, while improving and expanding economic activity through increased speed and reduced transaction costs. Digital technology is a key enabler of the transition to a greener, sustainable digital economy that is less dependent on fossil fuels.

  • In developing Asia, what’s the most effective way of bridging the huge digital divide between the poorest and the emerging middle class?

    To address the digital divide across the region, governments need to invest in digital infrastructure, especially in expanding connectivity access and by reducing the cost of connectivity to low-income communities.

  • How has digital connectivity fostered growth in remote regions, like the islands of the Pacific?

    Digital connectivity enables remote working, as well as education, health access and ecommerce, all of which are instrumental in economic and social development in highly dispersed regions like the Pacific.