ADB is working to increase access to reliable, affordable, low-carbon energy across Asia and the Pacific to reduce poverty and promote development.
Around 150 million people in Asia and the Pacific lack access to electricity.
Climate adjusted investment in energy accounts for 56% of what the region needs up to 2030.
Asia and the Pacific accounts for more than 50% of global CO2 emissions where more than half comes from electricity and heat.
ADB is working to improve access to reliable, affordable, low-carbon energy across Asia and the Pacific. Through its various financing instruments, ADB develops projects in renewable energy generation, electricity transmission and distribution, and energy utilities. Policy and governance reform has been central to ADB’s approach in the sector to enable markets, encourage private sector participation, and promote clean energy.
Given the enormous needs, ADB works with its developing member countries, development partners, and the private sector in creating a competitive market environment to ensure access to clean, affordable energy. ADB’s 2021 Energy Policy focuses the bank’s resources where they can make the biggest difference in terms of addressing energy access and security, climate change, and environmental sustainability.
Results delivered in 2022 from ADB projects.
Renewable energy capacity installed
Total annual greenhouse gas
emissions reduction
*tCO2e = tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent
Low-carbon infrastructure
established or improved
From 2008 to 2021, ADB invested approximately $12 billion in energy access projects providing energy to more than 45 million households in the region. However, there is much more to do. About 150 million people in Asia and the Pacific still have no access to electricity.
Under ADB’s Energy Policy 2021, ADB will not support coal mining, processing, storage, and transportation, nor any new coal-fired power generation. ADB will also not support any natural gas exploration or drilling. The bank will be selective in its support for midstream and downstream natural gas initiatives.
Energy is a key input in social and economic activities in a country. Access to reliable energy supplies provides, among others, increased opportunities for income generation, along with better health care and education and thus improved living standards.