Operational Procurement

ADB procures goods, works, and services from external suppliers for its development projects and programs, and engages consultants to help prepare studies, appraisals, and reports.

Operations Procurement

The Procurement, Portfolio and Financial Management Department (PPFD) provides fiduciary oversight of procurement of goods, works, non-consulting and consulting services. PPFD supports ADB staff and borrowers on procurement planning and implementation, contract management, and related risk assessment and mitigation throughout the project life cycle. It also leads procurement and consulting services innovation and capacity building initiatives.

Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services

Goods, Works, and Non-Consulting Services

ADB extends loans and provides technical assistance to its developing member countries for a broad range of development projects and programs involving the procurement of goods, works, and services.

Consulting Services

Consulting Services

ADB engages individual consultants and consulting entities to provide expert advice such as in contract preparation and project supervision, and to help ADB to prepare studies, appraisals, and reports.

Photo: Asian Development Bank

Sustainable Procurement

Sustainability is at the core of development and procurement is not an exception.

The global and regional scale of public procurement presents a significant opportunity to advance innovation, foster inclusiveness, and sustainability, fight climate change, address social issues, and ultimately drive economic and institutional growth.

In line with ADB’s Strategy 2030, and the bank’s commitment to full alignment with the Paris Agreement, ADB has identified procurement as one of the key functions supporting and promoting the sustainability of its sovereign operations.

In December 2021, ADB published its Guidance Note on Sustainable Public Procurement and incorporated Sustainable Procurement in the Strategic Procurement Planning process, as well as ADB Standard Bidding Documents. Since then, ADB has been developing training and tools as well as country diagnostics to further assist its borrowers in implementing sustainable procurement at country system and project levels.

In 2023, a working group consisted of representatives from 12 MDBs, chaired by the Asian Development Bank, developed a MDB Joint Statement on Sustainable Procurement, reflecting the collective intent of MDB on mainstreaming sustainable procurement. They aim to catalyze environmental, social, economic, and institutional sustainability outcomes, at both a national public procurement system level and within project operations procurement, as each MDB’s mandate permits. The working group called for using procurement to achieve the goals set out in Paris Agreement, maximize our chance of rebuilding better and laying the groundwork for a socially inclusive, gender responsive, just green transition. The joint statement was collectively endorsed by the MDBs at the Heads of Procurement Meeting 2023.

Jenny Yan Yee Chu (Ms)
Procurement Specialist
Procurement, Portfolio and Financial Management Department

Institutional Procurement

ADB's Corporate Services Department (CSD) procures goods, works, and services necessary for institutional use in its headquarters and field offices to support its operations.

Business Opportunities

See the list of ongoing and future procurement of goods, works, non-consulting, and consulting services.

Get detailed information on consulting services requirements and send expression of interests for ADB-financed or administered projects.

Submit a complaint on a procurement or consulting process.

Guidance for individuals and companies seeking consulting, project procurement and other business opportunities with ADB.

Guides and Resources

For projects with concept papers approved on or after 1 July 2017

ADB's new procurement framework comprises a Procurement Policy and Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers. It modernizes project procurement processes through a principles-based approach, to meet the diverse needs of clients as ADB scales up its operations in line with Strategy 2030.

Guidance Notes on Procurement

Find detailed information on a range of topical procurement issues for borrowers, grant recipients, bidders, and civil society under ADB's new Procurement Policy.

Staff Instructions on Project Implementation

These staff instructions guide the principles-based application of the 2017 ADB Procurement Policy and Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers.

Additional Resources

For projects with concept papers approved before 1 July 2017

ADB's Procurement Guidelines and Guidelines on the Use of Consultants defined the policies and procedures for selecting, contracting, and monitoring suppliers of goods, works, and services for ADB-financed projects.

Project Administration Instructions (PAIs)

The PAIs outline the policies and procedures to be followed by ADB staff involved in the administration of ADB-financed loan and technical assistance projects.

Additional Resources