ADB’s partnership with Uzbekistan supports reforms that help the country transition toward an inclusive, sustainable, and market-driven economy.
ADB is one of Uzbekistan’s largest development partners. Its support in 2022 focused on reforms for the country’s transition toward an inclusive and market-driven economy.
A recently launched ADB manual discusses how governments in the region can strengthen existing infrastructure and ensure a safe, climate-resilient road network.
This manual provides an overview of climate-driven stressors relevant to transport infrastructure in Central Asia and explores adaptation strategies.
Examining how the livelihoods, health, and well-being of women in Central and West Asia were disproportionately affected by the pandemic, this report assesses responses and considers how the experience can guide gender mainstreaming.
ADB is one of Uzbekistan’s largest development partners. ADB’s support in 2022 focused on reforms for the country’s transition toward an inclusive and market-driven economy. It is closely aligned with Uzbekistan’s national development strategy and its priority areas: (i) governance and public administration reforms; (ii) economic development, including structural reforms, strengthening private ownership and entrepreneurship, and improving transport and trade connectivity; and (iii) social development. The Government of Uzbekistan aims to reduce the state’s footprint through robust private sector. ADB assists in this transition by providing policy advice, capacity building, and projects that support private sector development, reduce economic and social disparities, and promote regional cooperation and integration.
64, Oloy Bozori Berk Street, Tashkent 100000, Uzbekistan
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
The Uzbekistan Resident Mission (URM), located in Tashkent, was formally opened in 1998. URM's primary responsibilities include:
URM applies the advantage of its in-country presence to assist missions from headquarters in periodic country portfolio and program review activities and to provide mission follow-up support. It can assist interested parties by providing information on ADB and its activities in general and in Uzbekistan. URM's resources are of interest particularly to stakeholders in ADB-supported projects in Uzbekistan.
URM will be closed on these dates:
* = The dates are subject to moonsighting.
Last updated: 3 November 2023