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2024澳洲幸运5 开奖现场直播视频 官网直播现场 幸运5开奖结果号码查询 ADB Commits Record Climate Finance of Almost $10 Billion in 2023
仍然保留 2023澳洲幸运5开奖官网结果号码 ADB committed a record amount of climate finance in 2023 to help its developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific cut greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of a warming planet.
In Focus News and Events
2024澳洲幸运5历史记录查询 幸运5开奖现场直播视频 体彩全天免费计划 The Asian Development Fund: Meeting Asia and the Pacific’s Most Urgent Need
For over 50 years, the Asian Development Fund has helped fight poverty in the region. From being the world's poorest region, Asia and the Pacific has become one of the key engines of global growth.
As ADB's largest Special Fund and ADB's main source of grants, the ADF remains critical to building resilience and sustainability in ADB's poorest and most vulnerable DMCs.
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Data and Statistics ADB's Data and Statistics
Data and statistical analysis in the Asia and Pacific region contributes to knowledge generation in ADB, helping strengthen its institutional priorities and operational effectiveness in its developing member countries.
体彩澳洲幸运5+开奖官网结果号码+历史记录查询 ADB Climate Financing
ADB committed $9.8 billion in climate finance from its own resources last year—$5.5 billion for mitigation and $4.3 billion for adaptation—a more than 46% increase on its 2022 climate financing commitments.
Adaptation financing is critical in Asia and the Pacific which is experiencing more extreme heat, droughts, and heavy rains, but where investments in adaptation remain a fraction of what is required.
ADB Data Library
The ADB Data Library is the central store for all of ADB's public data. Browse data, view visualizations and interact with APIs.
Key Indicators Database (KIDB)
KIDB is ADB's central statistical database for macroeconomic and social indicators from across Asia and the Pacific.
AsianBondsOnline is a one-stop source of information on bond markets in emerging East Asia.
Featured Publications and Documents ADB's Publications and Documents
The Determinants of Product-Specific Rules of Origin: An Econometric Analysis in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
Fiscal Risks of Climate Change: Sources and Practical Solutions
Alternative Way to Expand Access and Improve Quality Public–Private Partnership in Education in the Republic of Korea and Japan
ADB focuses on sectors and themes that align with the commitment to eradicate poverty. The Bank’s work also spans across several development goals and cross-cutting initiatives.