Publications and Documents
Explore our data-rich research, policy analysis, toolkits, guidelines, and other resources on economics and key development topics. Our operational documents are also available in this section.
This note is intended to guide the Asian Development Bank (ADB), executing and implementing agencies, consultants, and contractors in setting up, adapting, and managing grievance redress mechanisms assigned to receive reports on sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment in ADB-financed projects with civil works.
ADB's South Asia Department (SARD) conducted a study to assess the status and responses to the needs of disadvantaged groups in its member countries and identify entry points for greater gender equality and social inclusion impacts in its operations.
This publication analyzes the risks of digital transformation and shows how context-aware and integrated risk management can advance the digitally resilient development projects needed to build a more sustainable and equitable future.
This manual provides an overview of climate-driven stressors relevant to transport infrastructure in Central Asia and explores adaptation strategies.
This road map shows how Bangladesh can swap diesel irrigation pumps for solar powered systems to reduce fuel imports, increase farmers’ incomes, and support the country’s clean energy transition.
This publication is designed to help tax analysts estimate revenue losses from tax expenditures and tax incentives. It presents the methodologies commonly used to estimate revenues forgone using varying sources of data.
This publication analyzes why Asia and the Pacific’s water sector is a significant source of emissions and shows how boosting efficiency, cutting consumption, and harnessing technology can help decarbonize the sector and improve water security.
The operations of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in fragile and conflict-affected situations, small island developing states, and emergency situations are confronted with numerous challenges specific to each country, region, and territory.
This manual discusses the process of climate risk screening/climate risk and vulnerability assessment (CRVA) mainstreamed into the project formulation and implementation system of Bangladesh.
This publication explores how data from administrative records can complement traditional data sources such as surveys and censuses to enhance government planning for sustainable and inclusive development.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has various tools to support gender mainstreaming, but these tools are not tailored to public–private partnerships (PPPs). ADB developed this tool kit for anyone engaged in PPP operations to integrate gender considerations in PPP projects throughout the development cycle.
This publication explores marine renewable energy sources from floating solar farms to deep ocean turbines and shows how increasing the capacity of the blue economy can help the Asia and Pacific region transition to a clean energy, low carbon future.
This handbook shows how the Build4Skills program integrates traineeships into ADB-backed infrastructure construction projects in Asia and the Pacific to provide cost-efficient training that boosts employability and makes projects more inclusive.
This guidance note shares insights on economic corridor development as an area-based approach and explores how to facilitate these multisector programs.
This report highlights the benefits of issuing blue bonds, details eligible project categories, and explains the process of issuing the instruments as appetite grows for ocean-themed debt that can help develop a sustainable blue economy.
This framework outlines how to integrate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) into ADB’s operations in South Asia to help close the gender gap, combat exclusion, and bolster equitable economic growth.