Publications and Documents
Explore our data-rich research, policy analysis, toolkits, guidelines, and other resources on economics and key development topics. Our operational documents are also available in this section.
Browse all ADB-researched or supported working papers and briefs.
Improving access to clean water and adequate sanitation is particularly crucial in Asia and the Pacific, where 1.5 billion people in rural areas and 600 million people in urban areas still lack water supply and proper sanitation infrastructure.
Access to piped water increases the probability that rural households in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic will adopt modern sanitation and washing facilities.
Government policies that promote cloud adoption not only improve government effectiveness but also have positive spillover effects on the rest of the economy.
As climate change poses a growing fiscal risk to Asia and the Pacific, policymakers need to better analyze the challenges, devise practical solutions, and attract private funding to strengthen climate-resilient fiscal management.
This brief analyzes how tax incentives are employed across Asia and the Pacific, looks at their effectiveness, and considers how they can best be used to encourage investment in activities with clear social benefits.
Estimating regional integration faces challenges due to incomplete data. This paper addresses this through the dynamic factor model estimated using the Bayesian state-space approach.
This brief demonstrates the importance of measuring the benefits of Viet Nam’s 144-megawatt Lotus Wind Power Project and defining its economic and social impacts as the country ramps up its renewable energy generation.
This brief tracks the evolution of ADB’s dynamic country knowledge plans (CKP) and outlines how they have been tailored to better meet the complex needs of countries in Asia and the Pacific and deliver on their national priorities.